Insights, news, and resources

Our blog

Our blog is designed to enable us to post our own content, principally in the form of news and resources, and to showcase other parties' quality content in the areas of talent acquisition, talent development, and career development. 

We're also open to publishing guest posts. If you'd like to propose a post, please email us (with 'FAO Anthony: guest post' in the subject line) to discuss the idea.

The craft of presenting: guidance for job interviewees

Anthony Haynes (pictured) writes: Candidates are often required to give a presentation as part of the recruitment selection process.   That's why we've provided a webinar designed to help candidates. We focus on how to avoid all-too-common pitfalls and stand out from the crowd. We've now made a recorded version available, free of charge, online. In the recording we discuss how to: Present yourself and engage with your audience Present visual material Make your...

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How to optimise your CV

Anthony Haynes writes: There’s plenty of advice available for job-seekers on how to write CVs. But if you merely follow the standard advice, the risk is that your CVs will turn out looking much like everyone else’s. That's why we've provided a webinar on how to stand out from the herd. A recorded version of this webinar is now available, free of charge, online. We discuss: what to include in a CV how to structure a CV what kind of language to...

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Resources to help you boost productivity: World Productivity Day

Anthony Haynes (pictured) writes: 20 June is World productivity Day. AT FJWTS, we've created a number of resources designed to help teams and individuals to boost their productivity. Here we collate links to them. We hope you find them helpful in terms of providing hacks and inspiration! 1. A tactical approach: 2. A strategic approach:...

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