Insights, news, and resources

Our blog

Our blog is designed to enable us to post our own content, principally in the form of news and resources, and to showcase other parties' quality content in the areas of talent acquisition, talent development, and career development. 

We're also open to publishing guest posts. If you'd like to propose a post, please email us (with 'FAO Anthony: guest post' in the subject line) to discuss the idea.

Practical advice for jobseekers: our free webinar programme

Anthony Haynes writes: Are you a jobseeker who would like to benefit from informed advice and guidance, free of charge? If so, we have a suite of webinars available for you providing practical support based on our professional experience in talent acquisition. Each webinar, hosted by Dr Bart Hallmark, lasts approx. 45 minutes. The current season runs as follows:  Title: Optimising your CV: practical guidance Content: There’s plenty of advice available for job-seekers on how to...

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How talent agencies work, with Fiona Wilson & colleagues

Anthony Haynes writes: Talent acquisition works most effectively when the various stakeholders - notably the hiring manager, HR, talent agencies, and job-seekers - understand each other's roles and appreciate their perspectives. Our series 'How talent agencies work' provides an inside view of how an agency goes about helping to fill a vacancy. It reveals what is involved in each of the steps in the talent acquisition journey and explores how agencies and stakeholders can best work...

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Advanced skills in presenting: a guide for job candidates

Anthony Haynes (pictured) writes: "Nearly all training is introductory": I can't remember who said this to me, but it struck me as having much truth - and something that we ought to do something about. In our webinar programme we've already offered an introductory module on presenting, aimed primarily at job candidates. Now, we've created a second module for the same audience, pitched at an advanced level.  We focus particularly on how to stand out, and gain a competitive edge, by...

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