Insights, news, and resources

Our blog

Our blog is designed to enable us to post our own content, principally in the form of news and resources, and to showcase other parties' quality content in the areas of talent acquisition, talent development, and career development. 

We're also open to publishing guest posts. If you'd like to propose a post, please email us (with 'FAO Anthony: guest post' in the subject line) to discuss the idea.

Reviewing your website: a model for professional organisations

This post is the first of a mini-series on website review and assessment. Anthony Haynes writes: Every organisation of any stature requires some form of web presence. In the case of a membership organisations, awarding bodies, and learning providers, this entails having, as a foundation, a website. After all, such bodies typically need to serve a variety of stakeholders (often abroad as well as at home), store and make accessible much information, and present an authoritative face to the world....

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How to provide a great induction for recruits

The sixth episode of our Recruitment in the Modern World podcast focuses on induction. Fiona Wilson, in conversation with Sherah Beckley, provides a series of practical tips to help ensure that each recruit gets off to a flying start. The episode is available here.

How to manage the risk of counter-offers

A major frustration to hirers comes when, having devoted resources to the recruitment process and found the right person, you find the candidate receives a counter-offer. What can be done, either to make this likely to happen or to ensure your offer prevails? Fiona Wilson, in conversation with Sherah Beckley, details a series of practical measures: The fourth episode of our podcast, Recruitment in the Modern World, is here.  

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