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Reviewing your website: design

This is the fourth post in a mini-series on website assessment and review. Anthony Haynes writes: This series outlines a model, designed to be used by and with non-techies, to support website review and management. The model employs three criteria: stakeholder management; navigability; and design. This post focuses on design. The approach The thinking on design is based on Robin Williams’ approach, as outlined in The non-designer’s design book (Peachpit Press; 4th edition, 2014)....

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Reviewing your website: navigability

This is the third post in a mini-series on website assessment and review. Anthony Haynes writes: In the previous post I outlined a model, designed to be used by and with non-techies, to support website review and management. The model uses three criteria: stakeholder management; navigability; and design. In this post the focus lies on the second criterion: navigability. When reviewing a website, the way that I test this criterion is as follows: 1.     I identify some of the...

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Reviewing your website: stakeholder management

This is the second post in a mini-series on website assessment and review. Anthony Haynes writes: In the previous post I outlined a model, designed to be used by and with non-techies, to support website review and management. The model uses three criteria: stakeholder management; navigability; and design. That publishing a website represents an exercise in stakeholder management seems obvious when one thinks about it. But, in practice, the point is all too easy to overlook. The temptation is to...

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