Insights, news, and resources

Our blog

Our blog is designed to enable us to post our own content, principally in the form of news and resources, and to showcase other parties' quality content in the areas of talent acquisition, talent development, and career development. 

We're also open to publishing guest posts. If you'd like to propose a post, please email us (with 'FAO Anthony: guest post' in the subject line) to discuss the idea.

Managing communications in talent acquisition: Anthony Haynes

Anthony Haynes writes: Having recently published interviews with colleagues from FJWTS, I find myself in the rather odd position of having to interview myself.   Here goes, with our usual questions.   1.      Your job title is? What exactly is the function of your role? I’m Communications Director. My job is to produce an annual communications plan and then implement, directly through my own contributions and indirectly through working with colleagues...

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What a talent researcher does; interview with Lina Beynar

Anthony Haynes writes: In this. The latest in our series portraying the work that goes into talent acquisition, I was pleased to interview Lina Beynar (pictured), one of our researchers.   AH: Your job title is researcher. What exactly is the function of your role?   LB: The focus of my role is to source suitable candidates for vacancies. We work on a range of senior and specialist roles spanning professional education and qualifications, business and product development, e-learning,...

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Finding the perfect candidate: using a new agency for a new role

When Antonella Adamus (pictured) set out to find her perfect candidate for the new Education Manager role at the Landscape Institute, she decided to see whether FJWilson – recommended by several in her network – could meet the challenge. In this interview with Karen Haynes, Antonella shares her experience of FJWilson’s approach to sourcing this highly specialised role.   KH: How did the Education Manager vacancy come about? AA: It’s a new role that reflects the...

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